Client Occupiers
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Suppliers & Resellers
Get full information on all key Suppliers, Distributors and Dealers in the UK Industrial and Commercial Building Fit-Out Sector, by industry and location. Identify the key contacts and review their business, with direct links to their websites and Companies House filings. Target new customers and resellers, identify new suppliers, benchmark yourself against your competitors, identify acquisitions here (subscription required):
Influencers & Specifiers
Get full information on key Influencers and Specifiers including Design & Technical Services, Property Management and Property Services. Identify the key contacts and review their business, with direct links to their websites and Companies House filings. Target third-party influencers and specifiers to connect with, for them to put forward your products and services to their clients, here (subscription required):
Construction Supply
Get full information on key companies involved in Building Construction and Supply. Identify the key contacts and review their business, with direct links to their websites and Companies House filings. Target Building Contractors, Materials and Component suppliers, for them to use your products and services on their projects here (subscription required):
PLAN Business Development Ltd Registration No. SC663720 Freephone 0800 160 1604